Although often overlooked, being good at taking care of others, means also being good to ourselves. Parents are children’s number one role models, and they will learn to take better care of themselves and implement better coping strategies if they witness their parents doing the same. What can you as…
Mindfulness Self-Compassion…..What the heck is that??

Self-compassion is simply compassion directed inwards. Drawing on the writings of various Buddhist teachers, operationalized self-compassion consists of three main elements. The three elements are: SELF-KINDNESS: Being kind, gentle and understanding with yourself when you are suffering. COMMON HUMANITY: Realizing that you are not alone in your struggles. When we…
Anxiety Breathing
Land Acknowledgment
We are honoured to offer you these services on the traditional, ancestoral, and unceded territories of the Coast Salish Peoples. Particularly, we acknowledge with respect Quw’utsun’ Tribes, Stz’uminus First Nations, the Penelakut Tribe, Ditidaht First Nation, Malahat First Nation, Pacheedaht First Nation, Halalt First Nation, the Lyackson First Nation and the Metis Nation. It is because of the ongoing care and protection of these lands by these Nations that we are able to work alongside you here, and for that we are truly grateful. With open hearts and respectful curiosity, CVYS is committed to decolonizing practices and offering spaces and programming that is safe and inclusive. Thank you.
A United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island (UWCNVI) member Agency, funded by the Province of British Columbia. Program funding through Government of Canada and community donations.