Young people are an integral and valued part of the Cowichan community.
Cowichan Valley Youth Services (CVYS) is a leading organization dedicated to creating and providing opportunities that strengthen the bonds of young people to their families and the community by providing a range of counseling and support services.
- Each person is unique and has intrinsic worth.
- Each person’s capability can be realized.
- Each person is able to act with integrity (honesty, trustworthiness and incorruptibility).
Personal growth: each person has the potential to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, creatively and spiritually.
Responsiveness to people’s needs: our resources and action are directed to young people, their families and the community in which they live
Inclusion: we foster opportunities for the young people we serve to actively participate in their community.
Innovation: in collaboration with young people, their families and the community we actively envision, anticipate and create opportunities that contribute to the health and well being of those we serve.
Community partnerships/collaboration and involvement: we partner and collaborate with others to help further our mission and goals.
United resolution: we use open and joint process to resolve challenges and issues.
Youth centered/family involvement: our work is centered on young people and recognizes the importance of the family in their lives.