
Are you a parent or a caregiver to a teen?

  • Are you having conflict with your teen?
  • Is your teen engaging in risky behaviours?
  • Are your teen’s chores not getting done?
  • Are you feeling out of control?

There is support. You don’t have to do this alone. We can help.

Some of the things that we can help with:

  • If it isn’t working, don’t keep doing it. (for example, hollering at each other) We can help you find solutions that do work.
  • Engaging in a power struggle with a teen is not going to lead to what you want. We can help find ways to communicate with your teen that will work.
  • Powerful parents beget powerful children. We can help you build on your own power to help your teen find theirs.
  • Remember that in the end, you want a relationship with this person. We can help you to create the foundation for that relationship to flourish.
  • As a parent of a teen, are you losing control? Probably. We can help you understand the “teen brain” and how best to navigate during these years.

Youth Services Resource List

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